What's difference between easyDSP and Jtag/SWD debugger ?
They have different purpose. Debugger is useful when you develop hardware and software in the beginning especially with breakpoint, step-in operation. But in some applications like motor drives, you can't use this features when the system is running. So during system operation, you need to monitor the variables in your code for system debugging. The variable monitoring with debugger has some limits such as limited number of variables, monitoring speed. Even worse is under very noisy environment (high current, high voltage switching) the debugger is sometimes disconnected. And for mass production, the debugger accessibility is limited to protect IP.
On the other hand, easyDSP has very stable connection all the time since it communicates with MCU with communication channel like SCI or UART.
When to use easyDSP, when to use debugger ?
Debugger is useful when you develop MCU board or its basic firmware. On the other hands, easyDSP is useful when you develop/debugg a high-level system algorithm. By combining debugger and easyDSP, the best debugging environment could be implemented.
How reliable is reading variable?
100% reliability is not guaranteed. easyDSP could read wrong value of variable.
How reliable is writing variable?
2 byte checksum is checked before writing to variable. So the probability of having incorrect writing is extremely remote. But not 100% guaranteed.
How reliable is writing flash rom?
Flashrom is written by clicking 'Program' button. But nothing is checked and verified during writing process. Therefore you should check it by yourself by clicking 'Verify' button afterwards.
Which value will be displayed if the reading operation fails ?
either '?' (ex, in watch window) or no display in plot and chart window.
Does easyDSP do compiling and linking C program?
No. They are done by compiler and linker provided by chip maker.
How many variables can I monitor using easyDSP?
As much as the resource of your PC, speed and memory are permitted.